Turning TV Into Reality

Welcome to the Second Edition of Turning Into Reality.

I hope you enjoyed the first installment in the series where we talked about movies! In case you missed it, make sure to check it out here before or after this one. 

Like last time, you’ll find a short synopsis and walk-through of how you can turn these TV shows into reality during your next trip, so let’s dive right in!

TV has been shaping our views of countries for decades, and these five series featured are just the start of stories to be told and places to go. Where do you want to head now? 

I’m off to continue my research on Portugal- stay tuned for our last (planned) portion of the series where we will turn Disney Into Reality.

Happy Travels, Hannah

P.S. Did this inspire your Wanderlust? Head to the Book Now section for a 1:1 consultation about your next trip! 


Turning Disney Into Reality


Turning Movies Into Reality